I haven't been writing my blog for awhile because Eliot has been quite sick. Her bronchitis morphed into stomach flu which resulted in serious dehydration (a common problem here in Singapore). I carried her to the dr (you never know how strong you are until you need to be) and he recommended admitting her to hospital. I don't think so. I followed my best instincts and carried her straight back home promising him that I would monitor her closely and make sure she sipped her rehydration fluids. Her high fever kept returning at night so I ended up giving her antibiotics. With Daddy away on a business trip in Bangalore she ended up spending all her time with me. And I had a chance to discover new things: she loves the music video 'Halo' by Beyonce', can talk for long amounts of time to her stuffed animals (slightly worrisome), and insisted on drinking water from a bowl 'like her puppy,' (even more worrisome). She's finally better and today was her first day back at school. Yeah. I was beginning to dread walking in to check on her sleeping at around 11pm and feeling a burning forehead.
brava, credo che avrei fatto la stessa cosa. Secondo me l'ospedale abbassa le difese immunitarie e rallenta i processi di guarigione, molto meglio la casa, con le cure della mamma (complete di coccole e video di Beyoncé)
ReplyDeletePiccola Eliot e piccola youuuuuu!!! Contentissima che ora vada meglio, ma mi sa che te la sei vista brutta.... brava mammina....coccole e amore fanno miracoli! Un bacio a tutti
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ReplyDeleteThanks Cristina and thanks Marina for your sweet words! If I can avoid the hospital...I do!