Our Italian priest has sent over First Communion books from Verona so that hopefully this summer Alexander can have his communion without attending a formal course here in Singapore. But first, he'll have a chat (test) with an Italian priest who will assess his preparation. So we've started going over the basics. In Italian, which makes it hard for him (and harder for us to hold a straight face) like when he said: "last supera" meaning last supper. You can't just add an a/o to words and think that makes them Italian. Well, not every word. Yesterday:
Cosa e' Natale (What is Christmas?) "Quando viene Santa Clauso a dare i presenti? (When Santa Claus comes to give presents?" Nooooo. "Oh, no, I mean, quando nasciuto Gesu'?" Nato (born). Okay, good.
What about Easter? And don't say when the Easter Bunny comes to give chocolate. "Gesu' muerto sulla croce?" Very good. Now, something basic.
Sei cattolico? "Si." Good.
Sei cristiano? "Si." Good
Sei protestante? "Si."
Houston, we have a problem.
(Photo: Alexander and one of the 'guardians' of the Duomo di Verona.
Tess has her first communion this Saturday. She chose a veil with a rhinestone tiara. In the center, is a dangling rhinestone cross. Classy!!