Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Stuff Expats in Singapore Like

"Tastes like heaven."

1. Starbucks
2. Chinese tutors
3. Forcing their kids to speak Mandarin to taxi drivers
3. Comparing Malaysian beaches to those in Thailand
4. Organic food
5. Buying cheerios in bulk
6. Travelling to Bhutan
7. Describing yam butter eaten in Nepal
8. Singapore Airlines
9. Frequent flier miles
10. Skiing in Japan
11. India
12. Barbecues
13. Having a car
14. Discussing the humidity factor
15. Champagne brunches
16. Boot camp
17. Rugby
18. Montessori schools
19. Chinese coffee tables
20. Watching their kids eat with chopsticks (see photo above).


  1. Very creative! I love your lists.

    1. Thanks so much, Alisdair! I've tried to condense things I've heard over the years...and, I'm just as guilty as the next expat!

  2. Very funny as usual! Like!

  3. In my defence, I don't drink coffee so am indifferent to Starbucks, I have never eaten yam butter and have not skied in Japan (yet). Because of the importance of 'having a car', my children are spared of the pressure from me to speak to cab drivers in Mandarin. I will never be found at boot camp. But other wise, guilty as charged.

    1. Love this answer-keep them coming!!
      Boot camp...what's that? Otherwise, I am sooo guilty!

  4. Discussing IB results when their children are 9 years old
